Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Austerity can work?

Read this article the other week which suggested that austerity can work if you stick to it.  But of course just because something works it doesn’t mean to say that it is the best option.

For example …

You’ve got a raging toothache that just wont budge.  It would certainly work but I’m pretty sure you would look for an alternative to getting your head chopped off.

Or you don’t like the house you live in.  It’s one answer but also extremely unlikely you’d bulldoze it to the ground and build a new one, rather than just moving to one you did like.

Or you are really struggling to save money.  Again it’s a solution but I doubt you would get rid of a kid or two to achieve this.

These are perhaps somewhat extreme but I think you get my drift.


PS I noticed that, surprise surprise, the bunch of hypocrites quoted in the article didn’t actually mention who would be on the austerity receiving end …

Friday, 5 April 2013

Black Day Number Two

And tomorrow yet another black day for politics.

I have three questions …

How can this government be getting away with taking money from people already on the breadline whilst the cost of living just keeps going up?

How can this government be getting away with giving money to people who already have plenty and will probably just squirrel it away in some offshore account so it wont even benefit the economy anyway?

And I cannot quite understand that all the e-mails I’ve received over the last few months from the Labour Party are full of the message but with no feelings – no anger, no outrage.  Don’t know about you but I’m brimful of both at all this – it’s wrong, wrong and more WRONG!  So my last question is has anyone got any ideas how we can get this government gone?!


Monday, 1 April 2013

Like Mother Like Son

What a black day for politics.

Today Robbing Hoodies Cameron & Osborne impose the Bedroom Tax, where thousands of council & housing association tenants will have their housing benefit reduced for apparently having at least one ‘spare’ bedroom.  I say ‘apparently’ as many have a valid use for their ‘spare’ which this miserable government have failed to take into account.

Over the last year or more the ConDem government have been playing the divide & rule con trick inferring that those on benefits are workshy ‘skivers’. They have particularly aimed this at other families who are not entitled to anything themselves yet are also going through hard times.  And what a very clever trick it is too, as of course there are those who do cheat the system, which the newspaper always delight in reminding us. 

But this trick is also wickedly unjust.

For every benefit fraudster there are THOUSANDS who only survive because of the state help they get.  They would like to work but as we all know there are simply not enough jobs – don’t forget this ConDem government got rid of loads wrongly assuming the private sector would be able to replace them.  And of course there are all those who are physically unable to be in paid employment, despite the efforts of the French company ATOS to declare people fit to work – these decisions have been successfully challenged nearly every time but unfortunately not before the person’s health has deteriorated even more.

This blog has been by far the most difficult I have ever written.  I cannot adequately put into words the anger & despair I really feel on behalf of those who through no fault of their own will be suffering even more from today.  Before too long there will be blood on the hands of Cameron & Osborne because many will NOT be able to survive any longer.

Cameron once said “we are all in this together”.  For sure God knows we are not!
