Every passing day this government is being shown in its true colours. In the Budget last week, David Cameron and George Osborne gave 14,000 mill

But at the same time the Government has returned £1.6bn to people earning over £150,000 in additional tax relief on their pensions.
They are without doubt a bunch of arrogant, greedy, dishonest, self-preserving group of elitists, intent on making the divide between rich and poor such a chasm that (they hope) will never be bridged. They are the wealthy overlords and the rest of us are expected to survive on any scraps they deign to throw down.
Anger? They have done incalcuable damage so far – the absolute disgrace of the Risk Register not being made published in order to con MPs and the Lords into passing the loathed NHS Bill just about sums up their deceit. Even a report on last summers’ rioters recognises that whilst no excuse, the reason that so many resorted to looting & violence is that they have no hope for the future. And if the deficit is so bad that everyone else has to suffer further deprivation then surely instead of reducing it to 45% for highest earners he should have INCREASED the tax threshold!
Jubilation? I believe – I hope – that at last the cracks are coming all too clear and all too often so that th

But another two years of them? That almost makes me despair but of course they’d love that so instead I’ll carry on fighting.
PS A bit of light relief - quote from yesterday’s Mirror in the light of Dave Cameron’s cash-for-access scandal. Labour MP Steve Rotheram has called No10 Dodgy Dave’s Downing Street Diner – try saying that after a few pints!
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