Cameron is either living in cloud cuckoo land or is deliberately trying to widen the divide between rich & poor, to keep us ‘in our place’ by decimating the public sector. I suspect it’s a bit of both, but cynically I believe it’s more the latter than the former.The idea of course is an absolute no hoper. There are not enough volunteers NOW so exactly where is he going to get all these other people to work for no money? The irony is that there are probably millions of people who would gladly do voluntary work but for one thing – they cannot afford to!And the idea that the private sector will magically come up with jobs – on less pay no doubt – to take up the slack of job losses in the public sector is totally beyond belief. As a business owner myself I am all too aware of the problems facing other businesses – in particular not being able to get bank loans, and still far too much red tape generally. Far from bridging the gap a lot are going to go under themselves unless this ConDem government does something. No hope there, then!
PS Can someone tell me why bank bosses get bonuses? No-one is ever going to give me one although I must admit when I worked for BT I got a briefcase for ‘being professional’. Does that count?!
A recent poll asked who did people think would be better at bringing the national debt down. Not surprisingly the answer was Osborne, as this ConDem government keeps repeating that the cuts they are imposing are necessary to reduce the deficit. Interestingly they are not so explicit at telling the nation just how many millions will end up suffering the consequences.In any case this is the wrong question. A far more pertinent one is to ask who do people think would be better at securing the long term financial future for all Britain’s families and I suspect you would get a different answer. Any decent economist will tell you not to pay of all your debt if it’s going to leave you penniless, but instead negotiate to repay the debt gradually so it impinges as little as possible on your living standards. But of course I was forgetting, Cameron & Co aren’t in debt themselves so what do they care!Les
Surely oh SURELY no-one can really believe that any of these cuts are right. In my view they areUnnecessary – economist after economist say there are alternativesLet’s repeat something I said before – tackling benefit fraud could reclaim £1billion, but tackling tax evasion £18billion.Unfair – those already struggling to make ends meet will find it even worse, maybe impossible. From April tax & benefit changes will mean all households affected will lose up to £200 a year. And here’s a ‘gem’ – it’s being proposed that anyone unemployed for over a year will have their housing benefit cut by 10%. Scrooge is alive and well, it seems.Unhelpful – far from supporting the economy, in the long term the cuts risk failing it. Many small businesses just wont be able to carry on and once gone they are gone for good, and when (if?) the good times roll in they will be hard to replace. Small businesses form around 95% of the employers in Wales, with about 60% of the workforce. What’s going to happen if lots of them go bust?!
And possibly the most outrageous proposals of them all are those where the government is in effect stealing our money by the changes they want to introduce to pensions.
If they go ahead these will mean- Public Services pensions cut
- War pensions cut
- State pensions for 5million men & women deferred for up to two years
Will David Cameron have to work longer for his pension? Will George Osborne have to struggle for money when he retires? Funnily enough I’m not offering prizes for the answers to either of those!
I’ve started to read the Daily Mirror again. Yes, I grant you it’s not particularly high IQ, and yes it can stoop to some appalling sensationalism at times. But when it comes to politics it’s certainly doing its bit to tell Jill & Jo Public, in plain English, truly like it is. This is more than can be said for the majority of other papers which tend to offer extremist right wing bile!Talking of which have you noticed how when he’s spouting it David Cameron’s voice is getting plummier by the day? Of course he worked hard up until the election to make out he was one of the people but he doesn’t need to bother now. As soon as he got elected he started showing his true colours, now he’s doing the same with his voice! Les