Tuesday, 2 March 2021

What has the Welsh Assembly Senedd ever done for us? Well they have provided vital help to deal with the pandamic ...

Wales is proud to have reached its vaccination target by the predicted 15th February deadline, and has now administered over 100,000 of the 1st jab.  It has already reached over 10,000 with the second dose, primarily being given to front facing health & care workers.  And to give specific help to NHS Wales & the health care sector :
* £1.5 billion of additional resources
* A £500 payment for social care workers in recognition of their efforts
* 580 million items of PPE for the health and social care sectors
* More than 100,000 video consultations with health professionals
* Over 145,000 cases reached through contract tracing teams in the public sector - consistently over 90% contact
* Over 1,000 IT devices supplied to 580 care homes 






But it has does so much more, both by way of financial & other practical support …

On ensuring jobs have been both retained and created :
* Protecting 100,000 jobs through our Economic Resilience Fund
* Supporting and advising 20,000 people through Working Wales
* Our £40 million proactive jobs and skills package

Providing as best an education as it can for our children & young people :
* Funding free school meal provision in the school holidays and until 2022
* 133,000 laptops for children learning at home
* 14,500 extra counselling sessions for children and young people
* £130m extra to deliver our Covid Commitment to education, employment and training
* Providing essential childcare for 9,600 children over the spring and summer
* Surveying 23,700 children on their experiences
* £90m of support for students and universities

And helping other groups, and activities :
* Establishing the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic COVID-19 Advisory Group
* £24 million to support the Third Sector COVID-19 response fund
* £50 million to transform homelessness services
* Supporting 5,000 people into temporary accommodation
* £1.5 million more to help victims and survivors of domestic abuse
* Working with the Shadow Social Partnership Council
* £63 million for the Cultural Recovery Fund

1 comment:

  1. Good to see the details of what the Sennedd has done to benefit the people of Wales. Naysers try to scorn Wales' Govt- I think many want Whitehall to run Wales. Your positive evidence more than answers them and shows Wales benefits under Labour. Thank you.
