Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Brexit - what now?


I am so angry.

Partly at myself – I didn’t see it coming, didn’t realise how important the decision was, and didn’t realise how lack lustre Cameron’s campaigning had been until it was too late.

Leading up to that vote we had all been drip fed ludicrous ‘fake news’ about the EU.  Everything from it insisting on bringing in ‘straight bananas’ to ‘it’s all the fault of immigrants, coming over here, taking our jobs’. 

So I don’t blame those who voted for it …

Many have said since that they still stand by their decision, and they are untitled to their opinion.

Many were eventually so ground down by it, so bored out of their minds with it being constantly under discussion, that they caved in to accepting the decision, just wanting to ‘get Brexit done’.  (What a vilely clever little three word mantra that proved to be!)

But so many MANY more were duped from the outset by the lies upon lies that preceded the vote.

So I DO blame the result on the self serving garbage that spewed out of the mouths of people like Farage, and then Johnson who cynically chose the Brexit path for political expediency once he knew the outcome.

And I reckon they are all so wrong.  The idea of working as a team is sound, but it’s abundantly clear that there’s plenty wrong with the EU.  But you don’t solve that by leaving the team.  We should have stayed and worked on remedying this together.  Easy to see in hindsight but Theresa May could have said the vote was too close and wasn’t binding.  She would have suffered for a while but no more than she did anyway.

And now we have no right whatsoever to complain, and the consequent damage, not just in the act of leaving in itself but also through the abhorrent arrogance of most of the Tory cabinet, is such that the future – already dire for millions of individuals and businesses suffering the unnecessary austerity of the last 10 grim years – is going to get worse. 

So yes I’m so angry.