Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Brexit - what now?


I am so angry.

Partly at myself – I didn’t see it coming, didn’t realise how important the decision was, and didn’t realise how lack lustre Cameron’s campaigning had been until it was too late.

Leading up to that vote we had all been drip fed ludicrous ‘fake news’ about the EU.  Everything from it insisting on bringing in ‘straight bananas’ to ‘it’s all the fault of immigrants, coming over here, taking our jobs’. 

So I don’t blame those who voted for it …

Many have said since that they still stand by their decision, and they are untitled to their opinion.

Many were eventually so ground down by it, so bored out of their minds with it being constantly under discussion, that they caved in to accepting the decision, just wanting to ‘get Brexit done’.  (What a vilely clever little three word mantra that proved to be!)

But so many MANY more were duped from the outset by the lies upon lies that preceded the vote.

So I DO blame the result on the self serving garbage that spewed out of the mouths of people like Farage, and then Johnson who cynically chose the Brexit path for political expediency once he knew the outcome.

And I reckon they are all so wrong.  The idea of working as a team is sound, but it’s abundantly clear that there’s plenty wrong with the EU.  But you don’t solve that by leaving the team.  We should have stayed and worked on remedying this together.  Easy to see in hindsight but Theresa May could have said the vote was too close and wasn’t binding.  She would have suffered for a while but no more than she did anyway.

And now we have no right whatsoever to complain, and the consequent damage, not just in the act of leaving in itself but also through the abhorrent arrogance of most of the Tory cabinet, is such that the future – already dire for millions of individuals and businesses suffering the unnecessary austerity of the last 10 grim years – is going to get worse. 

So yes I’m so angry.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Let's celebrate the achievements of the Welsh Assembly

You may be aware that there will be an election next May to vote in your chosen representatives for the Welsh Assembly.  But you may not be aware of its many achievements, lead by the Labour Party throughout.  

Over the coming months I will be listing some of them, and as it’s especially relevant now I will start with how it has reacted to the covid pandemic, certainly handling it far better, and fairer, than the UK government’s woeful response.  Here’s just a few of many highlights :








Despite all this and much more there are those who would have you believe, and I quote, “the Welsh Assembly has failed to deliver for the people of Wales”.  Fake news at its worst, together with their catchy but totally inappropriate Twitter  #savewales’.  If we need to ‘save Wales’ from anything I’d suggest it would be interference from this current incompetent UK Government!

I fail to see how anyone here in Wales would benefit if making decisions which directly affect us were returned to those outside of this country.  The Welsh Assembly is much closer to Wales both in distance and in spirit.  Is it perfect?  Of course not.  But has it ‘failed to deliver’?  The list above of just some of their achievements says otherwise.



Wednesday, 17 June 2020

The Tory 10 Year CON

This procession of ghastly Tory governments have inflicted 10 long years of misery for the many, and undeserved prosperity for the few ...

CONditioning - whilst the rich now believe they not only have the right to their wealth but they are entitled to even more, everyone else has had 'know thy place' drummed into them

The Anti Robin Hood CON - take from the poor by imposing benefit cuts, and give to the rich by handing out tax rebates

The CON of Divide and Rule - setting the JAMS against the most vulnerable by blaming the latter for everyone else who has suffered through the effects of austerity, and taking advantage of the numerous TV programmes which have painted anyone on benefits as being scroungers

The Status of Money CON - pushing hard on the idea that money somehow makes a person better than others, where only those with money are viewed as being successful, and as a consequence the arrogance of the wealthy has grown even worse, and a culture of greed & selfishness have become more the norm

And possibly the most disgraceful of all is the 'Thankyou' CON - being used in the current pandemic crisis, and after BJ thanked the NHS workers who nursed him through coronavirus, he and his government then try a triple whammy :
* proposed increase to the surcharge applied to migrant workers,
fortunately overturned by the extreme backlash from across the UK, b ut then shouldn't be there in the first place
* most of a so-called bonus where given to UC claimants and key workers will be clawed back, so not really much of a bonus
* key workers 'thanked' with the promise of a pay freeze, which makes you wonder what the government does to punish people


Just when you think they couldn't stoop any lower they do, and still get away with it.  

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

This Tory Government ... The 10 Years of Con

This procession of ghastly Tory governments have inflicted 10 long years of misery for the many, and for the most part undeserved prosperity for the few.  In doing so they have done even more damage ...

CONditioning - whilst the rich now believe they not only have the right to their wealth but they are entitled to even more, everyone else has had 'know thy place' drummed into them

The Anti Robin Hood CON - take from the poor by imposing benefit cuts, and give to the rich by handing out tax rebates

The CON of Divide and Rule - setting the JAMS against the most vulnerable by blaming the latter for everyone else who has suffered through the effects of austerity, and taking advantage of the numerous TV programmes which have painted anyone on benefits as being scroungers

The Status of Money CON - pushing hard on the idea that money somehow makes a person better than others, where only those with money are viewed as being successful, and as a consequence the arrogance of the wealthy has grown even worse, and a culture of greed & selfishness have become more the norm

Some say the clock's been turned back to the 30's - yes to the greedy mill owners of the 1830s!  So you would have thought by now everyone who's not the richest miniscule percent will have been totally ground down.  But along comes a pandemic like most have never experienced before, and the vast majority have ended up working alongside each other. regardless of wealth & status, in looking after those worse off than ourselves.

So maybe there's still hope yet.  I mean,  just who was that idiot who said there's no such thing as society?! 
