Thursday, 28 February 2019

This Tory UK Government ... The Luck Con

Thatcher started it but certainly this rotten-to-the-core cabinet are carrying on her legacy.  And it takes the 'I'm alright Jack' con to a whole new level. 

Over the last 8 years these Tories have been reconditioning everyday Jill & Jo into believing not only it's right to feel smug about your own good fortune, but you can treat those not so lucky as if it's all their own fault, and it's OK to look down on them, treat them as inferior, even worthless.

How can it be their own fault to be born with a disability? 

How can it be their own fault when a company goes bust so they lose their job?

How can it be their own fault when their partner is abusive and they have to leave with nowhere to live?

I could go on, and on, but I think you get the picture.
