The greed and the selfishness are bad enough but worse still is the blame culture that the Tory government have been peddling for the last 8 years. And of course they have managed to blame everyone but themselves, and made the blame stick.
Together with austerity, their strategy has been so very rotten. Unfortunately it's also been very clever at maintaining the political status quo in that (very) broadly the voting public are :
- the wealthy electorate who will vote Tory to stay that way
- the not so wealthy, but not so that they have to worry about money, and for all sorts of reasons their votes will get shared around all parties
- the JAMS who have either been scared into believing they daren't vote other than Tory lest they lose what little they have, or are so disillusioned in the main parties that they get lured into UKIPs even-more-right-wing-than-Tories 'promised land'
- and the least wealthy who are either in despair of anything changing so why vote at all, or can't even vote because they are now homeless.
The Tories have continually told the same lie about the credit crunch, easily believed as Labour were in government at the time. "Don't blame austerity on us" the Tories bleat, " it's all Labour's fault." And of course in Scotland & Wales they can blame the devolved governments.
I'd like to think there's a growing number of anti Tory, and one of these days there really will be a huge backlash against them. But how many more people - children as well as adults - are going to go hungry, go cold, lose the roof over their head, and ultimately their life, before this happens?