Thursday, 25 October 2018

This Tory UK Government ... The Lying Con

I've always thought if you are going to tell a lie you might as well make it a big one.  Well Theresa May, and one of her lackeys have come out this month with not one but two beauts ...

Tory Treasury minister Liz Truss stated ‘we are not making cuts to local authorities’, and the Prime Minister claiming that ‘austerity is over’.  What appalling contempt of the voting public as in fact they are planning a further £1.3bn cut to council budgets next year.

Am I surprised?  Of course not.  Am I angry?  YES!!!  

There's is so much money swilling round this, the 6th richest country in the world, and all that needs to happen is for everyone to have a share.  Yes there will still be those well off - that's absolutely fine.  But what's not so fine is those well off being so much MORE well off.

I have read somewhere that wealth leads to greed for more.  Sadly this is exactly what appears to be the case in the UK at the moment, and worse still there doesn't seem to be any end to it.
