19.6.10 CON-DEM NATION – What it really means!
What a double whammy – two lying ‘Tories’ for the price of one! In a speech given just few weeks before May 6th Nick Clegg said if the LibDems ended up sharing the power with the Tories he would make it quite clear that he didn’t agree with what they proposed. Yet a few weeks into their government and he has accepted all of David Cameron’s massive cuts.

Obviously we have to hope that the public will gradually see them both for what they are, but sadly it will be too late for many as only when they lose their jobs will some then realise the consequences of who is now in power.

28.7.10 WAG AM Selection
After a relatively short period we have selected our candidate in Swansea West to stand for election to the Welsh Assembly next year – Julie James –a
nd I look forward to working with her.
The process began with a really strong contingent of eight women attending the initial ‘speed dating’ nomination event, then finally down to the three for the selection itself. And I for one am very pleased that we stuck to all women shortlist. Whilst some might consider it wrong to use positive discrimination in this way, the fact that all eight were good certainly bodes well for the future.

The process began with a really strong contingent of eight women attending the initial ‘speed dating’ nomination event, then finally down to the three for the selection itself. And I for one am very pleased that we stuck to all women shortlist. Whilst some might consider it wrong to use positive discrimination in this way, the fact that all eight were good certainly bodes well for the future.
3.10.10 Policies not Personalities
None of us ‘own’ the Labour Party – we belong to it, and should believe in the ethos that is Labour, a collective trying to achieve a fairer society for all. Unfortunately over the past 13 years it would appear that some people within the party have sadly veered away from that, in particular former leader Tony Blair.
I can’t help feeling that much of this happened because of the way party leaders are portrayed and all too often get unwarranted admiration & automatic respect which they haven’t earned. Of course I realise that the media don’t help, just after a good story – true or false, and regardless of the consequences. So no wonder leaders fail when put up on such a high pedestal that the only way is down!
We’ve just
had a leadership election but now, thank goodness, that distraction is over & done with and we can get on with campaigning. It wont be a piece of cake as we have very little representation in the media these days, and no doubt they will tell us everything Ed gets wrong (anything he gets right will be on page 92 in font size 6!)

The way I see it leaders will come and they will go. In the meantime they are privileged to be allowed to hold the reins, and need to understand the huge responsibility they have for quiding us all when they are after all just human beings like the rest of us. So as far as I am concerned they should not be used as a reason for supporting the party or not. You either agree with the basic Labour ethos or you don’t …